About the Pineo Family Farm

About the Farm

The Pineo Family Farm is operated by the Pineo family: Michael, his wife Amy, their son Josh, and their daughter Allison. The farm consists of 150 acres of land in Sterling, MA. Approximately 5 acres are dedicated to produce production, 25 acres to hay production, and the remaining 120 acres to managed forest care and wildlife support. The property includes their home, a barn, the farm stand, and the sawmill.

Produce production is the main focus of the farm, although it occupies the smallest amount of acreage. Michael manages the forest section carefully, with strict attention paid to maintaining the wildlife habitat. The forest is inhabited by deer, turkeys, fisher cats, raccoons, minks, and a seasonal black bear. There are also wetlands that support a variety of water fowl and reptiles and a wide selection of birds and song birds.

History of the Farm

The family ownership of the farm dates back to 1954, when Michael's grandparents purchased the Schenk Farm. They operated an apple and peach orchard on the property. Michael's farming roots date back to when he was 11, a member of the 4H club, and raising Guernsey cows. He later worked on local dairy farms. He and his grandfather maintained a large garden and sold vegetables to the local market and a local farm stand.. Michael spent some years in other businesses and public service and the farm was somewhat inactive for a number of years. He started up the sawmill and Pineo Forest Products Division in 1998. The Pineo Family Farm was officially launched in the Spring of 2007.

Mission and Goals

Our mission is to continue growing the farm and business to service more customers with a larger variety of produce, while maintaining the small family nature of the farm and the quality of our products. We have no aspirations to be the largest farm in the business or to expand into a major retail operation: Our goal is to provide quality produce, at fair prices, and to service and integrate with the local community and economy.


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Our FarmStand

Sterling, MA

Sterling Farmer's Market

Sterling, MA

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